Homework 15th - 20th January

Hi all,

Here's an outline of the homework for this week.

  • Spellings: Please learn the list of spellings for the test on Friday. This week the spellings are based on 'a_e' or the 'magic e'. I will not be testing last weeks spellings formally but may ask a few during spelling and writing activities this week.

  1. ran
  2. hat
  3. came
  4. grape
  5. name
  6. cake
  7. old
  8. only
  9. pavement
  10. ate

Challenge Words:
11. plate
12. shade

  • Thematic Words: These are words relating to the theme in class. These words also relate to topics being covered in Learn Together, SESE and English. The children should know the meaning of these words and be able to read and discuss them by Friday.
  1. rights
  2. weather
  3. Poland
  4. emotions
  5. international

The children wrote these words out in class today so if you could check that they have spelled them correctly. The spelling practice sheets were put into their spelling folders but some children forgot their folder today so if it is at home can you put the sheet in tonight.

Maths and English sheetsEach night the children should complete one maths sheet and one English sheet. The sheets are back to back this week and the day of the week that they should be completed on is written on the front of the sheet. These are relating to topics we are looking at in English and Maths. 

Tables: This week the children will be doing +4. A practice page is attached at the start. The children should only do one day per night. I.e on Monday do Monday's part. I will test these on Friday.

PALS Reading:
We are starting a new reading strategy called PALS in class this week. PALS stands for Peer Assisted Learning Strategies. Each child will begin on the class reader 'The New Suit' and will read the book in pairs and act as 'coach' for each other. The children will not be reading this book at home and I will be giving leveled readers to the children during the week. 

International Week:
As part of International Week we are completing a class project on Poland. If any parents have anything from Poland (coins, flags, artefacts) that they would be willing to send in that would be brilliant. If any Polish parents would like to come in and talk a bit about Polish culture and history that would also be fantastic, just send me an email! Thanks!

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Homework 21st - 25th May

Hi all, Here's an outline of the homework for this week. Spellings:  Please learn the list of spellings for the test on  Frida...